Our Registered Acupuncturists

Lin Shing Paul Ng, R. TCMP, R. Ac

Paul Ng is a registered Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner and registered Acupuncturist. He graduated from the Canadian College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Other than the classical acupuncture technique he also has extensive experience in dry needling, tuina, cupping and guasha (scraping). One of his style of treatment is a mixture of acupuncture and tuina massage. This combination of techniques produces amazing results in the reduction of pain and induce a whole body relaxation. By applying the TCM knowledge Paul handled frozen shoulder, sciatica pain, insomnia, fibromyalgia, eczema, and the other internal and external conditions.

Jaclyn Clark, R. Ac

Jaclyn is a Registered Acupuncturist with an Honours Bachelors degree in Kinesiology. Through the application of acupuncture and cupping techniques, she utilizes a multidisciplinary approach to optimize the benefits her patients receive, while also promoting overall wellness. Her treatment methods focus on providing her patients with thorough, individualized, and comprehensive care by identifying specific root causes for a variety of conditions and symptoms, and providing the most effective treatment according to her patients’ unique needs. Specifically, Jaclyn has experience treating such issues as Insomnia, mood disorders, chronic pain, migraines, and digestive disorders.

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